See: SOLR-8344 and the JIRAs linked for a pretty extensive discussion.

Note, you can force some of this in some other versions by specifying
useDocValuesAsStored (since 5.5).

How you'd verify I'm not quite sure. That kind of information isn't
put in the logs.

On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 1:09 AM, Julian Ohrt <> wrote:
> The Solr 6.6 documentation states:
> In cases where the query is returning only docValues fields performance may
> improve since returning stored
> fields requires disk reads and decompression whereas returning docValues
> fields in the fl list only requires
> memory access.
> I want to use this potential performance gain. I think I set up my schema
> correctly.
> Is there a way to make certain that only docValues are returned by a query?
> I am especially concerned about fields that are docValues but with
> stored=true, for the doc also states:
> Field values retrieved during search queries are typically returned from
> stored values.
> Does this mean that if I have such a field, retrieving as "stored value" is
> preferred over retrieving as docValue?
> If so, how can I prevent this behavior?
> The major problem here is field "id" which is (by default) a docValue with
> stored=true.
> Thanks,
> James

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