Thanks Eric, in my case, each replica is running on it's own JVM, so even if we consider 8gb of filter cache, it still has 27gb to play with. Isn't this is a decent amount of memory to handle the rest of the JVM operation?
Here's an example of implicit filters that get applied to almost all the queries. Except for Source2 and AccessMode, rest of the fields have doc values enabled. Our sorting is down mostly on relevance, so there's little impact there. fq=language:("english")&fq=ContentGroup:"Learn & Explore" OR "Getting Started" OR "Troubleshooting" OR "Downloads")&fq=Source2:("Help" OR "documentation" OR "video" OR (+Source2:"discussion" +Solution:"yes") OR "sfdcarticles" OR "downloads" OR "topicarticles" OR "screen" OR "blog" OR "simplecontent" OR "auonline" OR "contributedlink" OR "collection") AND -workflowparentid:[*+TO+*] AND -AccessMode:"internal" AND -AccessMode:"beta" AND -DisplayName:Partner AND -GlobalDedup:true AND -Exclude:"knowledge" AND -Exclude:"all" &bf=recip(ms(NOW/DAY,PublishDate),3.16e-11,1,1)^1.0 As you can see, there's a bunch, so filter cache is sort of important for us for performance standpoint. The hit ratio of 25% is abysmal and I don't think there are too many unique queries which are contributing to this. As I mentioned earlier, the increase in size parameter does improve the hit count. Just wondering, what are the best practices around scenarios like this? Looks like I've pretty much exhausted my options :-). -- Sent from: