On 10/18/2017 3:09 AM, Leo Prince wrote:
> Is there any known negative impacts in setting up autoSoftCommit as 1
> second other than RAM usage..?

For most users, setting autoSoftCommit to one second is a BAD idea.  In
many indexes, commits take longer than one second to complete.  If you
do heavy indexing with that setting and the commit takes longer than one
second to complete, then you will end up with overlapping commits, all
of which will *try* to open new a searcher.  In a hypothetical situation
where heavy indexing lasts for an hour and commits take enough time,
Solr will be doing *constant* commits (which may overlap) for the entire

In that kind of scenario, Solr will prevent most of the new searchers
from actually opening because of the maxWarmingSearchers configuration,
so you won't see changes within the configured one second anyway. 
Frequent commits, especially if they overlap, will pound the CPU and
Java's garbage collection, so the server is going to be extremely busy
and may have difficulty handling indexing and query requests in a timely

Soft commits are sometimes a little bit faster than hard commits that
open a new searcher, but the difference is not extreme.  Later in the
thread you stated "Since we are using SoftCommits, the docs written will
be in RAM until a AutoCommit to reflect onto Disk".  This is not
*exactly* how it works.  Soft commits have the *possibility* of being
handled by the caching nature of the NRTCachingDirectory
implementation.  See the javadoc for the directory implementation:


The default cache sizes stated in that documentation are 5 and 60 MB,
but the actual defaults in the code are 4 and 48.  If a new segment is
larger than 4MB or the total amount to be cached is larger than 48MB,
then it won't be saved to RAM, it'll go to disk.  In a nutshell, with
very heavy indexing, soft commits won't save you anything, since you're
probably going to be writing some information to disk anyway.

You should set autoSoftCommit to the longest possible interval you can
stand for the visibility of changes.  I would recommend AT LEAST 60
seconds, but if your commits finish quickly, you might be able to go
lower.  The autoCommit section should set openSearcher to false.  Unless
your autoCommit interval has been increased beyond the typical default
of 15 seconds, I usually recommend making the autoSoftCommit interval
longer than the autoCommit interval.

You have already been given the following link.  It covers most of the
caveats where commits are concerned.  The title of the article mentions
SolrCloud, but the information applies to standalone mode too:



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