
I think Logagent <https://sematext.com/logagent/> has support for Solr
logs.  Aha, yes, it does:
https://github.com/sematext/logagent-js/blob/master/patterns.yml (search
for Solr).

But if you are looking for Solr metrics monitoring, see Solr monitoring
<https://sematext.com/spm/integrations/solr-monitoring/> in Sematext Cloud
(disclosure: see signature :)).


Monitoring - Log Management - Alerting - Anomaly Detection
Solr & Elasticsearch Consulting Support Training - http://sematext.com/

On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 3:56 PM, j.s. <jsay...@brandeis.edu> wrote:

> hi
> my current problem is monitoring my solr instance. it would be best if i
> could get a jetty access log to appear. i think i can do this with the log4
> interface, but i have not yet figured out the appropriate configuration
> changes.
> can someone direct me toward some information on this? i'm running solr
> 6.6. i've looked in the ref guide and around the wiki and have not found
> anything that answers my question. the stuff i've found is for solr 4.X ...
> any help is welcome, thx.

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