What evidence to you have that the changes you've made to your configs
are useful? There's lots of things in here that are suspect:

  <double name="forceMergeDeletesPctAllowed">1</double>

First, this is useless unless you are forceMerging/optimizing. Which
you shouldn't be doing under most circumstances. And you're going to
be rewriting a lot of data every time See:


filterCache size of size="10240" is far in excess of what we usually
recommend. Each entry can be up to maxDoc/8 and you have 10K of them.
Why did you choose this? On the theory that "more is better?" If
you're using NOW then you may not be using the filterCache well, see:



Every time you commit you're firing off 1024 queries which is going to
spike the CPU a lot. Again, this is super-excessive. I usually start
with 16 or so.

Why are you committing from a cron job? Why not just set your
autocommit settings and forget about it? That's what they're for.

Your queryResultCache is likewise kind of large, but it takes up much
less space than the filterCache per entry so it's probably OK. I'd
still shrink it and set the autowarm to 16 or so to start, unless
you're seeing a pretty high hit ratio, which is pretty unusual but
does happen.

48G of memory is just asking for long GC pauses. How many docs do you
have in each core anyway? If you're really using this much heap, then
it'd be good to see what you can do to shrink in. Enabling docValues
for all fields you facet, sort or group on will help that a lot if you
haven't already.

How much memory on your entire machine? And how much is used by _all_
the JVMs you running on a particular machine? MMapDirectory needs as
much OS memory space as it can get, see:

Lately we've seen some structures that consume memory until a commit
happens (either soft or hard). I'd shrink my autocommit down to 60
seconds or even less (openSearcher=false).

In short, I'd go back mostly to the default settings and build _up_ as
you can demonstrate improvements. You've changed enough things here
that untangling which one is the culprit will be hard. You want the
JVM to have as little memory as possible, unfortunately that's
something you figure out by experimentation.


On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 8:42 PM, Nawab Zada Asad Iqbal <khi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am committing every 5 minutes using a periodic cron job  "curl
> http://localhost:8984/solr/core1/update?commit=true";. Besides this, my app
> doesn't do any soft or hard commits. With Solr 7 upgrade, I am noticing
> that query throughput plummets every 5 minutes - probably when the commit
> happens.
> What can I do to improve this? I didn't use to happen like this in solr4.5.
> (i.e., i used to get a stable query throughput of  50-60 queries per
> second. Now there are spikes to 60 qps interleaved by drops to almost
> **0**).  Between those 5 minutes, I am able to achieve high throughput,
> hence I guess that issue is related to indexing or merging, and not query
> flow.
> I have 48G allotted to each solr process, and it seems that only ~50% is
> being used at any time, similarly CPU is not spiking beyond 50% either.
> There is frequent merging (every 5 minute) , but i am not sure if that is
> a cause of the slowdown.
> Here are my merge and cache settings:
> Thanks
> Nawab
> <mergePolicyFactory class="org.apache.solr.index.TieredMergePolicyFactory">
>   <int name="maxMergeAtOnce">5</int>
>   <int name="segmentsPerTier">5</int>
>       <int name="maxMergeAtOnceExplicit">10</int>
>       <int name="floorSegmentMB">16</int>
>       <!-- 50 gb -->
>       <double name="maxMergedSegmentMB">50000</double>
>       <double name="forceMergeDeletesPctAllowed">1</double>
>     </mergePolicyFactory>
> <filterCache class="solr.FastLRUCache"
>              size="10240"
>              initialSize="5120"
>              autowarmCount="1024"/>
> <queryResultCache class="solr.LRUCache"
>                  size="10240"
>                  initialSize="5120"
>                  autowarmCount="0"/>
> <documentCache class="solr.LRUCache"
>                size="10240"
>                initialSize="5120"
>                autowarmCount="0"/>
> <useColdSearcher>false</useColdSearcher>
> <maxWarmingSearchers>2</maxWarmingSearchers>
> <listener event="newSearcher" class="solr.QuerySenderListener">
>   <arr name="queries">
>   </arr>
> </listener>
> <listener event="firstSearcher" class="solr.QuerySenderListener">
>   <arr name="queries">
>   </arr>
> </listener>

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