This approach could work only if it is append only index. In case you have 
updates/deletes, you have to process in order, otherwise you will get incorrect 
results. I am thinking that is one of the reasons why it might not be supported 
since not too useful.

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> On 9 Nov 2017, at 19:09, S G <> wrote:
> Hi,
> We have a use-case to re-create a solr-collection by re-ingesting
> everything but not tolerate a downtime while that is happening.
> We are using collection alias feature to point to the new collection when
> it has been re-ingested fully.
> However, re-ingestion takes several hours to complete and during that time,
> the customer has to write to both the collections - previous collection and
> the one being bootstrapped.
> This dual-write is harder to do from the client side (because client needs
> to have a retry logic to ensure any update does not succeed in one
> collection and fails in another - consistency problem) and it would be a
> real welcome addition if collection aliasing can support this.
> Proposal:
> If can enhance the write alias to point to multiple collections such that
> any update to the alias is written to all the collections it points to, it
> would help the client to avoid dual writes and also issue just a single
> http call from the client instead of multiple. It would also reduce the
> retry logic inside the client code used to keep the collections consistent.
> Thanks
> SG

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