Thanks Shawn. Now I understand why my query without slop worked on the old 
system, not new one.

On top of this NGram phrase query, I also want to do some wildcards. I used 
complex phrase in my query.

{!complexphrase inOrder=true}sequence:"KK?” worked

    "rawquerystring":"{!complexphrase inOrder=true}sequence:\"KK?\"",
    "querystring":"{!complexphrase inOrder=true}sequence:\"KK?\"",
      "ab95710d-f191-4c59-9df8-87e8bfe236ea":"\n0.48393333 = 
weight(sequence:kks in 0) [SchemaSimilarity], result of:\n  0.48393333 = 
score(doc=0,freq=1.0 = termFreq=1.0\n), product of:\n    0.2876821 = idf, 
computed as log(1 + (docCount - docFreq + 0.5) / (docFreq + 0.5)) from:\n      
1.0 = docFreq\n      1.0 = docCount\n    1.682181 = tfNorm, computed as (freq * 
(k1 + 1)) / (freq + k1 * (1 - b + b * fieldLength / avgFieldLength)) from:\n    
  1.0 = termFreq=1.0\n      1.2 = parameter k1\n      0.75 = parameter b\n      
115.0 = avgFieldLength\n      1.0 = fieldLength\n"},

However, {!complexphrase inOrder=true}sequence:"KK? KSA”~1 does not work.

    "rawquerystring":"{!complexphrase inOrder=true}sequence:\"KK? KSA\"~1",
    "querystring":"{!complexphrase inOrder=true}sequence:\"KK? KSA\"~1",
    "parsedquery":"ComplexPhraseQuery(\"KK? KSA\"~1)",
    "parsedquery_toString":"\"KK? KSA\"~1",


On Nov 16, 2017, at 11:49 AM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 11/16/2017 8:40 AM, Chuming Chen wrote:
>> I think the position is the issue, but how do I fix it? Is something wrong 
>> with my index analyzer or just my query is not right? I need to do phrase 
>> query, order is important here. 
>> I tried “KKS KSA”~1 in the query, it worked. However, if I do "KKS KSA 
>> SAR”~1, it didn’t work, I had to do "KKS KSA SAR”~2. 
>> Is phrase slop essential here. I used to with Solr 3.5, no phrase slop is 
>> needed.
> The ~2 slop for the three-term query is correct -- because the third
> term will have position 3 on the query, and position 1 in the index, so
> it must adjust two places in order to match.
> If you look at the index analysis, you'll see that the positions of the
> 3 character ngrams are all the same.  I believe this is typical for that
> filter, to maintain the position of the original term for all ngrams. 
> It wouldn't surprise me to learn that version 3.5 had very different
> behavior in the ngram filter regarding positions, behavior that was
> considered incorrect and fixed.
> I think this might be the applicable issue:
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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