In order to use this feature, you would have to patch Solr and build it 
yourself. But note that this ticket is old and the last patch version is from 
2014, so you would either have to patch referenced version of adjust patch to 
work with version that you are targeting.

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> On 17 Nov 2017, at 11:28, 喜阳阳 <389610...@qq.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I am a newbie and I do not unserstand SOLR-2412 I am trying Solr and i have 
> one question.I want to use Multipath hierarchical faceting but i do not konw 
> how to do it .Because i want to use it with Solr API. 
> Is there any class in newest Solr api to specify the HierarchicalFacetField 
> like org.apache.solr.schema.HierarchicalFacetField in  Solr 3.10?Looking 
> forward to your reply.Thank you very much.

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