We hopefully will switch to Kubernetes/Rancher 2.0 from Rancher
1.x/Docker, soon.

Here are some utilities that we've used as run-once containers to start
everything up:


Using a single image, run with many different configurations, we have
been able to stand up an entire Solr stack, from scratch, including
ZooKeeper, Solr, solr.xml, config upload, collection creation, replica
creation, content indexing, etc. It is a delight to see when it works.


On Mon, 20 Nov 2017, at 09:30 AM, Björn Häuser wrote:
> Hi Raja,
> we are using solrcloud as a statefulset and every pod has its own storage
> attached to it.
> Thanks
> Björn
> > On 20. Nov 2017, at 05:59, rajasaur <rajas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Bjorn,
> > 
> > Im trying a similar approach now (to get solrcloud working on kubernetes). I
> > have run Zookeeper as a statefulset, but not running SolrCloud, which is
> > causing an issue when my pods get destroyed and restarted. 
> > I will try running the -h option so that the SOLR_HOST is used when
> > connecting to itself (and to zookeeper).
> > 
> > On another note, how do you store the indexes ? I had an issue with my GCE
> > node (Node NotReady), which had its kubelet to be restarted, but with that,
> > since solrcloud pods were restarted, all the data got wiped out. Just
> > wondering how you have setup your indexes with the solrcloud kubernetes
> > setup.
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Raja
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > Sent from: http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Solr-User-f472068.html

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