On 11/21/2017 9:17 AM, Walter Underwood wrote:
> All our customizations are in solr.in.sh. We’re using the one we configured 
> for 6.3.0. I’ll check for any differences between that and the 6.5.1 script.

The order looks correct to me -- the arguments for the OOM killer are
listed *before* the "-jar start.jar" part of the command, so they should
be taking effect.  Take a look at /apps/solr6/bin/oom_solr.sh and make
sure it's marked as executable for the user that Solr is running under,
and that the shebang at the top of the script is correct and executable
as well.

> I don’t see any arguments at all in the dashboard. I do see them in a ps 
> listing, right at the end.

This UI problem is documented/handled in SOLR-11645.  Your argument list
includes "-Dsolr.log.muteconsole" twice, which triggers the problem.


The fix isn't available in a released version yet, but the patch can
easily be applied to a downloaded/installed Solr without compiling
source code.  Your browser will be caching the old version, so you'll
have to deal with that.

> I’m still confused why we are hitting OOM in 6.5.1 but weren’t in 6.3.0. Our 
> load benchmarks use prod logs. We added suggesters, but those use analyzing 
> infix, so they are search indexes, not in-memory.

It can be very difficult to figure out what's causing OOM issues,
especially if the config, index, and queries are identical between one
version without the problem and another version with the problem.  It
sounds like you and Erick have some theories about it.  What is the
exact message on the OOME that you're getting?


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