The default blacklist is qt and stream, because there are examples of nasty 
things which can be done using those parms. But it seems much wiser to 
whitelist just the parms your web app needs to use. Am I missing something? Is 
there a simpler way to protect a Solr installation which just serves a few AJAX 
GETs? Cheers -- Rick

On November 30, 2017 3:10:14 PM EST, Rick Leir <> wrote:
>Hi all
>I have just been looking at solr-security-proxy, which seems to be a
>great little app to put in front of Solr (link below). But would it
>make more sense to use a whitelist of Solr parameters instead of a
>Node.js based reverse proxy to make a solr instance read-only,
>rejecting requests that have the potential to modify the solr index.
>--invalidParams   Block these query params (comma separated)  [default:
>Sorry for being brief. Alternate email is rickleir at yahoo dot com

Sorry for being brief. Alternate email is rickleir at yahoo dot com 

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