Perhaps the bin/post tool? See:

On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 2:05 PM, Matthew Roth <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Is there a DIH for HDFS? I see this old feature request [0
> <>] that never seems to have
> gone anywhere. Google searches and searches on this list don't get me to
> far.
> Essentially my workflow is that I have many thousands of XML documents
> stored in hdfs. I run an xslt transformation in spark [1
> <>]. This transforms to
> the expected solr input of <add><doc><field ... /></doc></add>. This is
> than written the back to hdfs. Now how do I get it back to solr? I suppose
> I could move the data back to the local fs, but on the surface that feels
> like the wrong way.
> I don't need to store the documents in HDFS after the spark transformation,
> I wonder if I can write them using solrj. However, I am not really familiar
> with solrj. I am also running a single node. Most of the material I have
> read on spark-solr expects you to be running SolrCloud.
> Best,
> Matt
> [0]
> [1]

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