: We're started to migrate our integration-framework to move over to 
: JavaEE JSON-B as default json-serialization /deserialization framework 
: and now the highlighning component is giving us some troubles. Here's a 
: constructed example of the JSON response from Solr.

Wait .. what?  that makes no sense to me...

IIUC JSON-B is is a *binding* frameworkd -- it is intended as a 
replacement for things like java's built in (binary) serialization, or 
JXB's XML serialization -- where you have java class definitions that you 
annotate with information on how to serialize them, and how to repopulate 
them when deserializting a byte stream.

Attempting to use JSON-B as an end-all-be-all general purpose "json 
parser" to read arbitrary JSON from systems that do *NOT* use JSON-B 
seems.... absurd.  

*Nothing* about the JSON-B documentation (that i've seen) suggests that 
anyone involved in JSON-B would even remotely suggest/recommend you 
attempt to use it to parse JSON that was not *generated* by JSON -- like 
all binding APIs i've ever seen, it assumes/expects that the person 
desgning the (Java) Object API will dictate (via annotations or default 
bindings) the serialization details and the framework will take care of 
the validity of the byte stream representation and the deserialization.

i would *strongly* urge you to rethink attempting to use JSON-B to parse 
Solr's response documents .... the "key" in highlighting response will be 
the least of your problems once you decide you want ot use "facets" -- or 
hell, once someone adds a new query param to your request that gets echoed 


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