Solr does not analyze queries with wildcards in it. So, with ch*p-seq,
it will search for terms that start with ch and end with p-seq. Since
your indexer has analyzed all tokens before, only chip and seq are in
the index.

for example.

If you really need results for such queries, I suggest to have a
copyField which is unstemmed and only tokenized on whitespaces. If you
then detect a wildcard character in your query string, search on that
field instead of the others.


Am 15.12.2017 um 11:59 schrieb Selvam Raman:
> I am using edismax query parser.
> On Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 10:37 AM, Selvam Raman <> wrote:
>> Solr version - 6.4.0
>> "title_en":["Chip-seq"]
>> When i fired query like below
>> 1) chip-seq
>> 2) chi*
>> it is giving expected result, for this case one result.
>> But when i am searching with wildcard it produce zero result.
>> 1) ch*p-seq
>> if i use escape character in '-' it creates two terms rather than single
>> term.
>> --
>> Selvam Raman
>> "லஞ்சம் தவிர்த்து நெஞ்சம் நிமிர்த்து"

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