What does adding &debug=query show in the two cases?


On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 3:40 PM, Nawab Zada Asad Iqbal <khi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Are the following two queries equal:
> In my understanding, I can specify the arguments the operator once in the
> {} local parameter syntax (example 1) or I can interleave OR between
> different clauses  (example 2). But I am getting my result in the second
> case only. What am I doing wrong?
> This was working fine in Solr 4 but not in Solr 7.
> 1:
> .../solr/filesearch/select?fq=id:258470818866&fq={!q.op=OR}file_type:(jpg%20jpeg)
> --> Returns nothing.
> 2:
> .../solr/filesearch/select?fq=id:258470818866&fq={!q.op=OR}file_type:(jpg%20OR%20jpeg)
> --> This returns the required document.
> Thanks
> Nawab

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