Hi Ketan,

I also tried various ways to route documents to different shards based on
some routing key value. eg:  status: active,inactive and terminated should
go to 3 different shards. I tried creating implicit as well as composite id
routers. I could not route the documents to the shard I want. Only thing
which we can achieve is , documents will be routed based on the hash values
of the field values. This will do automatically and it will not help to
manually route to the shard we need. The api documents looks little fuzzy
and I think solr will not route the documents to the desired shard manually.
I am referring 6.6 version. I also tried creating some dummy "_route_" field
and copied my status to this field and tried. But no luck. By any chance if
you got the solution. Please let me know. I think , it will be one of the
important feature , that can be enhanced. Creating different collections ,
just for the difference of one field is of not good option. for eg: if we
have sales documents, we want to partition them by sales country. i.e USA
sales in one shard and Canada sales in one shard etc.. For this case , we
need one collection with many shards and each shard should contain the data
only to that particular shard.


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