On 1/5/2018 1:35 PM, Chris Ulicny wrote:
> After more testing, compiling the archived source and the pre-packaged
> files on the archive.apache.org site for 7.1.0 keep generating the same
> issue with negative core node numbers.
> However, if I compile and run the 7.1 branch from github, it does not
> produce the negative numbers. When generating a brand new collection with
> 200 shards with 2 replicas each, the counter ends up at 800 since it seems
> the numbers used to suffix "core_node" and
> "testcollection_shardX_replica_n" are pulled from the same counter.
> I assume there have been some updates to the github branch in the case that
> 7.1.1 needed to be released, but some change between that and the released
> 7.1.0 seems to have fixed the counter issue in my scenario.

Here's the shortlog for the 7.1.0 release, showing October 13th as the
last commit date:


Here's the shortlog for the 7.1 branch, showing December 4th as the last
commit date:


There are definitely differences between those code branches.  There are
a few dozen additional commits.  Nothing is jumping out at me as the
change that fixed the problem, but I'm not very familiar with that code.

The 7.2 version, which is already released, should contain whatever the
fix is.  I can't be certain of that because I do not know which change
fixed it, but virtually all changes that are backported to a minor
version branch are also applied to the stable branch and any newer minor
version branches.


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