This feature is not currently supported. I was thinking in implementing it by 
extending the work done in SOLR-10880. I still didn’t have time to work on it 
though.  There is a patch for SOLR-10880 that doesn’t implement support for 
replica types, but could be used as base. 


> On Jan 8, 2018, at 12:04 AM, Ere Maijala <> wrote:
> Server load alone doesn't always indicate the server's ability to serve 
> queries. Memory and cache state are important too, and they're not as easy to 
> monitor. Additionally, server load at any single point in time or a short 
> term average is not indicative of the server's ability to handle search 
> requests if indexing happens in short but intense bursts.
> It can also complicate things if there are more than one Solr instance 
> running on a single server.
> I'm definitely not against intelligent routing. In many cases it makes 
> perfect sense, and I'd still like to use it, just limited to the pull 
> replicas.
> --Ere
> Erick Erickson kirjoitti 5.1.2018 klo 19.03:
>> Actually, I think a much better option is to route queries to server load.
>> The theory of preferring pull replicas to leaders would be that the leader
>> will be doing the indexing work and the pull replicas would be doing less
>> work therefore serving queries faster. But that's a fragile assumption.
>> Let's say indexing stops totally. Now your leader is sitting there idle
>> when it could be serving queries.
>> The autoscaling work will allow for more intelligent routing, you can
>> monitor the CPU load on your servers and if the leader has some spare
>> cycles use them .vs. crudely routing all queries to pull replicas (or tlog
>> replicas for that matter). NOTE: I don't know whether this is being
>> actively worked on or not, but seems a logical extension of the increased
>> monitoring capabilities being put in place for autoscaling, but I'd rather
>> see effort put in there than support routing based solely on a node's type.
>> Best,
>> Erick
>> On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 7:51 AM, Emir Arnautović <
>>> wrote:
>>> It is interesting that ES had similar feature to prefer primary/replica
>>> but it deprecating that and will remove it - could not find explanation why.
>>> Emir
>>> --
>>> Monitoring - Log Management - Alerting - Anomaly Detection
>>> Solr & Elasticsearch Consulting Support Training -
>>>> On 5 Jan 2018, at 15:22, Ere Maijala <> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> It would be really nice to have a server-side option, though. Not
>>> everyone uses Solrj, and a typical fairly dummy client just queries the
>>> server without any understanding about shards etc. Solr could be clever
>>> enough to not forward the query to NRT shards when configured to prefer
>>> PULL shards and they're available. Maybe it could be something similar to
>>> the preferLocalShards parameter, like "preferShardTypes=TLOG,PULL".
>>>> --Ere
>>>> Emir Arnautović kirjoitti 14.12.2017 klo 11.41:
>>>>> Hi Stanislav,
>>>>> I don’t think that there is a built in feature to do this, but that
>>> sounds like nice feature of Solrj - maybe you should check if available.
>>> You can implement it outside of Solrj - check cluster state to see which
>>> shards are available and send queries only to pull replicas.
>>>>> HTH,
>>>>> Emir
>>>>> --
>>>>> Monitoring - Log Management - Alerting - Anomaly Detection
>>>>> Solr & Elasticsearch Consulting Support Training -
>>>>>> On 14 Dec 2017, at 09:58, Stanislav Sandalnikov <
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> We have a Solr 7.1 setup with SolrCloud where we have multiple shards
>>> on one server (for indexing) each shard has a pull replica on other servers.
>>>>>> What are the possible ways to limit search request only to pull type
>>> replicase?
>>>>>> At the moment the only solution I found is to append shards parameter
>>> to each query, but if new shards added later it requires to change
>>> solrconfig. Is it the only way to do this?
>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Stanislav
>>>> --
>>>> Ere Maijala
>>>> Kansalliskirjasto / The National Library of Finland
> -- 
> Ere Maijala
> Kansalliskirjasto / The National Library of Finland

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