Hello All,

I am having a doubt in implicit routing and didn't find much info about
this over the internet, so Please help me out on this.

*About environment:*
M/c 1: Zookeeper 1 and Solr 1
M/c 2: Zookeeper 2 and Solr 2

I am using clustered zookeeper and using "CloudSolrClient" from solrJ
API in java.

*this.solrCloudClient = new


My requirement is to store lots of data on solr using a single collection.
so my idea is that i am going to create a new shard for every hour so that
indexing doesn't take much time.

I choose for the implicit document routing, but I am unable to redirect the
docs on the particular shard. Zookeeper is still distributing it on all
nodes and shards.

*What I have tried:*
1. I have created a collection with implicit routing and put customer
routing field "*dateandhour*" and add it as a filed in my collection.

    While adding solr input doc I am setting this filed with shard name.

2. I have also tried to add shard name to id filed like:

If you guys have some example or doc Please share with me.

Thanks for all your help.

Best Regards,


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