On 1/17/2018 5:24 AM, Mark Sullivan wrote:
I am migrating a good number of cores over to the latest instance of solr 
(well, 7.1.0) installed locally.  It is working well, but my code is 
occasionally sending requests to search or index an old field that was replaced 
in the schema.

I see this in the logging, but I can't determine which core the log comes from. 
  How can I tell which core is receiving the offending requests?

Whatever you are referring to is not here. The mailing list eats most attachments -- they don't make it through.

If you edit server/etc/jetty.xml you'll find a commented out section that enables request logging. Remove the comment marks, restart Solr, and you'll get a log in server/logs that will include the source address for all requests. You won't be able to tell which core sent the request, but narrowing it down to which server sent the request will probably be enough to investigate further. You will need to make sure that you have good time synchronization on the servers so that timestamps in logs will match up.


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