Hi Emir,

Thank you so much for following up with your ticket.
Listed below are the parts of debugQuery outputs via /search request
handler. The reason I used * in the query term is that there are a couple of
methods starting with "x-ray". When I used space surrounding the "OR"
boolean search operator (refer to 1f) below, I got zero results. If I remove
the space, the result count = 19. 

Thank you very much for investigating this issue. I am a happy Solr user. We
implemented Solr to our web site text search (www.rcsb.org) last year and
have improved the search results :-). Now we want to expand our text search
to support Boolean search and I am facing this issue.  Thank you again for
all your help and support! --Wendy  

===============DebugQuery Outputs for case 1d, 1e, 1f =================
*1d(/search?q=method:"x-ray*"):* result counts = 884

    "parsedquery":"(+PhraseQuery(method:\"x rai\"))/no_coord",
    "parsedquery_toString":"+method:\"x rai\"",

*1e (/search?q=method:"Solution NMR"):* result counts = 153

    "rawquerystring":"method:\"Solution NMR\"",
    "querystring":"method:\"Solution NMR\"",
    "parsedquery":"(+PhraseQuery(method:\"solut nmr\"))/no_coord",
    "parsedquery_toString":"+method:\"solut nmr\"",

*1f (/search?q=method:"x-ray*" OR "Solution NMR"):* result counts = 0

    "rawquerystring":"method:\"x-ray*\" OR \"Solution NMR\"",
    "querystring":"method:\"x-ray*\" OR \"Solution NMR\"",
    "parsedquery":"(+(PhraseQuery(method:\"x rai\")
DisjunctionMaxQuery(((pdb_id:OR)^5.0)) DisjunctionMaxQuery(((pdb_id:Solution
NMR)^5.0 | (entity_name_com.name:\"solut nmr\")^20.0 |
(citation_author.name:\"solut nmr\")^5.0 | (audit_author.name:\"solut
nmr\")^5.0 | rest_fields_stem:\"solut nmr\" | (title_fields_stem:\"solut
nmr\")^3.0 | (classification:\"solut nmr\")^15.0 |
(struct_keywords.text:\"solut nmr\")^12.0 | (entity.pdbx_description:\"solut
nmr\")^10.0 | (pdbx_descriptor_stem:\"solut nmr\")^10.0 |
(citation.title:\"solut nmr\")^25.0 | (struct_keywords.pdbx_keywords:\"solut
nmr\")^15.0 | (entity_src_gen_concat_stem:\"solut nmr\")^15.0 |
(struct.title:\"solut nmr\")^35.0 | (group_id_stem:\"solut
    "parsedquery_toString":"+((method:\"x rai\" ((pdb_id:OR)^5.0)
((pdb_id:Solution NMR)^5.0 | (entity_name_com.name:\"solut nmr\")^20.0 |
(citation_author.name:\"solut nmr\")^5.0 | (audit_author.name:\"solut
nmr\")^5.0 | rest_fields_stem:\"solut nmr\" | (title_fields_stem:\"solut
nmr\")^3.0 | (classification:\"solut nmr\")^15.0 |
(struct_keywords.text:\"solut nmr\")^12.0 | (entity.pdbx_description:\"solut
nmr\")^10.0 | (pdbx_descriptor_stem:\"solut nmr\")^10.0 |
(citation.title:\"solut nmr\")^25.0 | (struct_keywords.pdbx_keywords:\"solut
nmr\")^15.0 | (entity_src_gen_concat_stem:\"solut nmr\")^15.0 |
(struct.title:\"solut nmr\")^35.0 | (group_id_stem:\"solut

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