
So I have some nested documents in my index with this kind of structure:
    "id": “parent",
    "gridcell_rpt": "POLYGON((30 10, 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10))",
    "density": “30"

        "_childDocuments_" : [
            "gridcell_rpt":"MULTIPOLYGON(((30 20, 45 40, 10 40, 30 20)))",
            "gridcell_rpt":"MULTIPOLYGON(((15 5, 40 10, 10 20, 5 10, 15 5)))",

The parent document is a WKT shape, and its children are “grid cells”, which 
are just divisions of the main shape (ie; cutting up the parent shape to get 
children shapes). The “density" is the feature count in each shape. When I 
query (through the Solr UI) I use “Intersects” to return parents which touch 
the search area (note that if a child is touching, the parent must also be 

        eg; fq={!field f=gridcell_rpt}Intersects(POLYGON((-20 70, -50 80, -20 
20, 30 60, -10 40, -20 70)))

and I want to sort the results by the sum of the densities of all the children 
touching the search area (so which parent has children that touch the search 
area, and how big the sum of these children’s densities is)
        something like {!parent which=is_parent:true score=total 
v='+is_parent:false +{!func}density'} desc

The problem is that this includes children that DON’T touch the search area in 
the sum. How can I only include the shapes from the first query above in my 

Cheers :)

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