Can you please post all the errors? The current error is only for the node

On 23 Feb 2018 09:42, "Tom Peters" <> wrote:

I'm trying to debug why indexing in SolrCloud 7.1 is having so many issues.
It will hang most of the time, and timeout the rest.

Here's an example:

    time curl -s 'myhost:8080/solr/mycollection/update/json/docs' -d
'{"solr_id":"test_001", "data_type":"test"}'|jq .
      "responseHeader": {
        "status": 0,
        "QTime": 5004
    curl -s 'myhost:8080/solr/mycollection/update/json/docs' -d   0.00s
user 0.00s system 0% cpu 5.025 total
    jq .  0.01s user 0.00s system 0% cpu 5.025 total

Here's some of the timeout errors I'm seeing:

    2018-02-23 03:55:02.903 ERROR (qtp1595212853-3607) [c:mycollection
s:shard1 r:core_node12 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n11]
Idle timeout expired: 120000/120000 ms
    2018-02-23 03:55:02.903 ERROR (qtp1595212853-3607) [c:mycollection
s:shard1 r:core_node12 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n11]
Idle timeout expired: 120000/120000 ms
    2018-02-23 03:55:36.517 ERROR (recoveryExecutor-3-thread-4-
processing-n:solr2-d.myhost:8080_solr x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n11
s:shard1 c:mycollection r:core_node12) [c:mycollection s:shard1
r:core_node12 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n11] o.a.s.h.ReplicationHandler
Index fetch failed :org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Index fetch
failed :
    2018-02-23 03:55:36.517 ERROR (recoveryExecutor-3-thread-4-
processing-n:solr2-d.myhost:8080_solr x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n11
s:shard1 c:mycollection r:core_node12) [c:mycollection s:shard1
r:core_node12 x:mycollection_shard1_replica_n11] o.a.s.c.RecoveryStrategy
Error while trying to recover:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:
Replication for recovery failed.

We currently have two separate Solr clusters. Our current in-production
cluster which runs on Solr 3.4 and a new ring that I'm trying to bring up
which runs on SolrCloud 7.1. I have the exact same code that is indexing to
both clusters. The Solr 3.4 indexes fine, but I'm running into lots of
issues with SolrCloud 7.1.

Some additional details about the setup:

* 5 nodes solr2-a through solr2-e.
* 5 replicas
* 1 shard
* The servers have 48G of RAM with -Xmx and -Xms set to 16G
* I currently have soft commits at 10m intervals and hard commits (with
openSearcher=false) at 1m intervals. I also tried 5m (soft) and 15s (hard)
as well.

Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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