I decided to store the word X number of times when indexing the doc.

times = 5
value = times * "dog "  # "dog dog dog dog dog " gets indexed, of
course times is specific to each doc.

thanks for the help and advice Otis!!


On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 4:27 AM, Otis Gospodnetic
> There are Lucene field term Paylods that can be associated with each token, 
> which I think you could use for this type of boosting, but there is not much 
> built-in support for Payloads in Solr yet.
> Otis
> --
> Sematext -- http://sematext.com/ -- Lucene - Solr - Nutch
> ----- Original Message ----
>> From: ristretto.rb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 5:24:20 AM
>> Subject: How to set term frequency given a term and a value stating the 
>> frequency?
>> Hello,
>> I'm looking through the wiki, so if it's there, I'll find it, and you
>> can ignore this post.
>> If this isn't documented, can anyone explain how to achieve this?
>> Suppose I have two docs A and B that I want to index.  I want to index
>> these documents
>> so that A has the equivalent of 100 copies of 'Banana', and B has the
>> equivalent of 20 copies of
>> 'Banana', so that searches for Banana will rank A before B, due to
>> term frequency.
>> When indexing, I would have something like
>> A Banana 100
>> B Banana 20.
>> Will I have to repeat 'Banana' 100 times in a string variable that I
>> send to the index?   And likewise 20 times for B?
>> Or is there a better way to accomplish this?
>> thanks
>> gene

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