Chris, many, many thanks.  From a quick check, those changes seem to
work.  I think I'm getting too old to differentiate between brackets and
curly braces.  I'll get back on track and see if I can (finally) set
this up right. 

What also puzzles me is that I can't find any "security.json" file. 
Clearly, solr is persistently keeping track of the
authentication/authorization information, but I don't see where.  I
suppose it might be kept in zookeeper (which perhaps survives solr
restarts - but I don't know).  Any insights on that?


On 03/13/2018 01:01 PM, Chris Ulicny wrote:
>> *failed to delete a user:*
> "delete-user" is expecting an array of users in the json, so the data
> should be: {"delete-user": ["lanny"]}
>> *failed to set a permission: *
> There are separate endpoints for authorization and authentication. You
> should use ".../solr/admin/authorization" for the permissions instead of
> "../solr/admin/authentication"
> Disclaimer: I've never worked with 6.6, but I've not noticed any big
> differences between the security for our 6.3 deployments and the 7.X ones.
> Best,
> Chris
> On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 12:47 PM Terry Steichen <> wrote:
>> I switched solr from standalone to cloud and created the two collections
>> (emails1 and emails2).
>> I was able to create a basic set of credentials via the curl-based
>> API's.  I could create users, and toggle the blockUnknown property
>> status. However, the system refused to allow me to delete a user, or to
>> set a permission.
>> Here are the curl commands (with *terry:admin* as admin credentials) and
>> results:
>> *succeeded in setting blockUnknown property (verified by
>> admin/authentication dump):*
>> curl --user terry:admin http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/authentication
>> -H <http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/authentication-H>
>> 'Content-type:application/json' -d '{
>>   "set-property": {"blockUnknown" : true}}'
>> *succeeded in adding a user (verified by admin/authentication dump):*
>> curl --user terry:admin http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/authentication
>> -H <http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/authentication-H>
>> 'Content-type:application/json' -d '{
>>>   "set-user": {"lanny" : "hawaii"}}'
>> *succeeded in changing lanny's password (verified by
>> admin/authentication dump):*
>> curl --user terry:admin http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/authentication
>> -H <http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/authentication-H>
>> 'Content-type:application/json' -d '{
>>  "set-user": {"lanny" : "hawaii_five_o"}}'
>> *failed to delete a user:*
>>  curl --user terry:admin http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/authentication
>> -H <http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/authentication-H>
>> 'Content-type:application/json' -d '{
>>  "delete-user": {"lanny"}}'
>> {
>>   "responseHeader":{
>>     "status":500,
>>     "QTime":1},
>>   "error":{ "msg":"Expected key,value separator ':': char=},position=26
>> BEFORE='{ \"delete-user\": {\"lanny\"}' AFTER='}'",
>> [terry here: plus a very long stack trace}
>> *failed to set a permission: *
>> curl --user terry:admin http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/authentication
>> -H <http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/authentication-H>
>> 'Content-type:application/json' -d '{"set-permission" :
>> {"name":"collection-admin-edit", "role":"admin"}}'
>> {
>>   "responseHeader":{
>>     "status":0,
>>     "QTime":2},
>>   "errorMessages":[{
>>       "set-permission":{
>>         "name":"collection-admin-edit",
>>         "role":"admin"},
>>       "errorMessages":["Unknown operation 'set-permission' "]}]}
>> This really makes no sense at all (or, I'm really losing it - always a
>> distinct possibility).  It's almost as if half of the documented
>> parameters must have been changed, though I can't find any references to
>> any such changes.
>> I confess I'm about to just give up and find some other route to go.
>> Terry
>> On 03/12/2018 11:15 PM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
>>> On 3/12/2018 8:39 PM, Terry Steichen wrote:
>>>> I'm increasingly of the view that Solr's authentication/authorization
>>>> mechanism doesn't work correctly in a _standalone_ mode.  It was present
>>>> in the cloud mode for quite a few versions back, but as of 6.0.0 (or so)
>>>> it was supposed to be available in standalone mode too.  It seems to
>>>> partly work (when using the built-in permissions), but does not seem to
>>>> work with customized, core-specific permissions.
>>> I suspected based on your last message that the authorization feature
>>> might only work correctly in SolrCloud.  The entire authentication
>>> feature was designed for SolrCloud.  Version 6.5 brought the
>>> security.json file to standalone mode.  This was LONG after the
>>> feature was introduced in 5.2 and had a LOT of bugs fixed in the three
>>> 5.3.x releases.
>>> I just found the section in the documentation confirming what I
>>> suspected.
>>> There is a note here that says "The authorization plugin is only
>>> supported in SolrCloud mode. Also, reloading the plugin isn’t yet
>>> supported and requires a restart of the Solr installation (meaning,
>>> the JVM should be restarted, not simply a core reload)."  The 6.6
>>> documentation contains the same note that you can see here in the
>>> latest docs.
>>> I have no idea how hard it would be to extend the authorization plugin
>>> to support standalone cores as well as collections.  I imagine that if
>>> it were easy, it would have been done already.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Shawn

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