Hi Roel,
As mentioned, _text_ field probably does not contain complete “EO.1954.53.1” 
but only its parts. You can verify that using snalysis screen in admin console. 
What you can try is searching for phrase without wildcard “EO.1954.53” or if 
you are using WordDelimiterTokenFilter in your analysis chain, you can set 
preserveOriginal=“1” and reindex.

Can you share how your text_general looks like.

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> On 16 Mar 2018, at 14:05, Paesen Roel <roel.pae...@africamuseum.be> wrote:
> Hi,
> Unfortunately that also gives no results (and it would not be practical, as 
> for this example the numbering only goes up till 19 but others go up into the 
> thousands etc)
> Anybody with a pointer on this?
> Thanks already,
> Roel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jagdish vasani [mailto:jagdisht.vas...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: vrijdag 16 maart 2018 12:41
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: Re: question regarding wildcard-searches
> Hi paesen,
> Value - EO.1954.53.1 is indexed as below Eo
> 1954
> 53
> 1
> Dot is removed.try with wildcard -?
> Like EO.1954.53.?? If you have 2 digits only in last..
> I have not tried but you just check it.
> Hope it will solve your problem.
> Thanks,
> Jagdish
> On 16-Mar-2018 3:51 pm, "Paesen Roel" <roel.pae...@africamuseum.be> wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> We are experimenting with solr, and I have a (I think) basic-level
>> question:
>> we have a multiple fields, all copied into a generic field so we can 
>> search everything at once.
>> However we have a (for us) strange situation doing wildcard searches 
>> for the contents of one specific field.
>> Given in the schema:
>> <field name="_text_" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="false"
>> multiValued="true"/>
>> <field name="genormaliseerdInventarisnummer" type="string" indexed="true"
>> stored="true"/>
>> <copyField source="genormaliseerdInventarisnummer" dest="_text_" /> 
>> and lot of other fields exactly like 'genormaliseerdInventarisnummer'.
>> Now, we are certain that the field 'genormaliseerdInventarisnummer'
>> contains entries like 'EO.1954.53.1', 'EO.1954.53.2', EO.1954.53.3', 
>> all the way up to '.19', we can query these directly by passing these 
>> exact texts to the query on field '_text_' (our default search field).
>> Problem is: wildcard searches for these don't work, like 'EO.1954.53.*'
>> for example returns zero results.
>> Why is that?
>> What needs to be adjusted? (and how?)
>> Thanks already,
>> Roel

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