
I am trying to index the following JSON, in which there is a space in the
name "Joe Smith".

.\curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/collection/update/json/docs?split=/|/orgs
    -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
  "name_s": "Joe Smith",
  "phone_s": 876876687,
  "orgs": [
      "name1_s" : "Microsoft",
      "city_s" : "Seattle",
      "zip_s" : 98052},
      "name1_s" : "Apple",
      "city_s" : "Cupertino",
      "zip_s" : 95014}

However, I get the following error during the indexing.

    "msg":"Cannot parse provided JSON: Expected ',' or '}':
char=(EOF),position=24 AFTER=''",
curl: (3) [globbing] bad range specification in column 39

If I remove the space in "Joe Smith" to make it "JoeSmith", then the
indexing is successful. What can we do if we want to keep the space in the
name? Do we need to include some escape characters or something?

I'm using Solr 7.2.1.


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