On 3/26/2018 10:45 AM, mganeshs wrote:
> I haven't changed the solr config wrt index config, which means it's all
> commented in the solrconfig.xml.
> It's something like what I pasted before. But I would like to know whats the
> default value of each of this.

Default value of *what* exactly?  There are a LOT of possible settings
you could be asking about, it'll take too much time to research them all
and give you every possible default.

I can't tell what you're referring to when you mention "what I pasted
before."  Later in your message I do see a mostly empty <indexConfig> tag.

If you're after defaults for indexConfig, the comments in Solr's example
config do a pretty good job of covering defaults.  I think that each
commented config section *has* the default setting already in it.  In a
download of the latest version, look for

> Coz.. after loading to 6.5.1 and our document size also crossed 5GB in each
> of our collection. Now update of document is taking time. So would like to
> know whether we need to change any default configurations.

5GB for a *single* document?  That sounds like a document that probably
shouldn't get indexed, because it might cause all sorts of problems.

If 5GB is the size of the entire index, then I can say that while this
is not exactly a *small* index, there are a LOT of indexes in the wild
that are MUCH bigger.  I have such indexes in my Solr installs, and
while the performance of those indexes isn't lightning fast, it's pretty

As your index size increases, Solr is going to slow down.  That's just
how things work and cannot be changed.  If the slowdown is extreme for a
small increase in size, that usually means that the system doesn't have
enough of some resource, usually memory.  Additional hardware or
hardware upgrades may be required.

If you describe what you are seeing, and how that differs from what you
EXPECT to be seeing, then we might be able to get somewhere.  More
information may be required to help.  If that's the case, we will ask
for additional information.


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