Thanks for the explanations, very helpful.

One more question, what is the sequence to delete the collection? If I use
the rest api to delete the collection, then when I go to create it again, I
sometimes get an error message saying shard already present. How to clean
up the underlying directories on all the nodes?



On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 6:22 PM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 3/26/2018 8:43 AM, Abhi Basu wrote:
> > Running on MS HDInsight and Solr 4.9.What is the BKM for creation,
> update,
> > delete of configurations and collections?
> I have no idea what a BKM is.  I will cover the update of configuration
> below.
> > I do the following:
> >
> > 1. First I create the zk config:
> > sudo -cmd upconfig -zkhost zknode
> > <
> >:2181
> > -confdir /home/sshuser/ems-collection-49/conf/ -confname ems-collection
> Exactly what you've got configured there for the zkhost parameter is
> difficult to decipher because it looks like the hsotname got replaced
> with a URL by your mail client.  But I think you've only got one ZK
> server there.  Usually there are at least three of them.  The command
> actually only needs one, but the zkHost string usually has at least
> three.  It's generally a good idea to use the same string for zkcli that
> you use for Solr itself, so it works even when a server is down.
> > 2. Then I create the collection:
> > curl '
> > http://headnode0:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=
> CREATE&name=ems-collection&numShards=2&replicationFactor=
> 2&maxShardsPerNode=1
> > '
> >
> > This works the first time. When I change the zk config, do I run the same
> > command #1? Also, do I do a reload:
> Yes, if you want to change an existing config and then make it active,
> you re-upload the config and then reload any affected collection.
> Deleting and recreating the collection is not something you would want
> to do unless you plan to completely rebuild it anyway -- deleting the
> collection will also delete all the index data.  If that's what you
> WANT, then deleting and recreating the collection is a good way to make
> it happen.  Many config updates *do* require a reindex, and some changes
> will also require completely deleting the index directories before
> building it again.
> > Very familiar with CDH solrctl commands that make life easier by only
> > having one command for this. Any help is appreciated.
> If you're using CDH, you'll want to talk to Cloudera for help.  They
> customize their Solr install to the point where they're the only ones
> who know how to use it properly.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

Abhi Basu

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