: Have you tried reading existing example schemas? They show various
: permutations of copy fields.

Hmm... as the example schema's have been simplified/consolidated/purged it 
seems we have lost the specific examples that are relevant to the users 
question -- the only instance of a glob'ed copyField in any of the 
configsets we ship is with a single destination field.

And the ref guide doesn't mention globs in copyField dest either? 
(created SOLR-12191)

Jatin: what you are asking about is 100% possible -- here's some examples 
from one of our test configs used specifically for testing copyField...

  <dynamicField name="dynamic_*" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
  <dynamicField name="*_dynamic" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
  <copyField source="*_dynamic" dest="dynamic_*"/>

This ensures that any field name starting with "dynamic_" is also copied 
to an "equivilent" field name *ending* with "_dynamic"

so "1234_dynamic" gets copied to "dynamic_1234", "foo_dynamic" gets copied 
to "dynamic_foo" etc...

This "glob" pattern in copyFields also works even if the underlying fields 
are not dynamicField...

  <field name="sku1" type="skutype1" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
  <field name="sku2" type="skutype2" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
  <dynamicField name="*_s" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
  <copyField source="sku*" dest="*_s"/>

 so "sku1" and "sku2" will be each copied to "1_s" and "2_s" respectively 
... you could also mix & match that with a <dynamicField name="sku*" ... 
/> if you wanted sku1 and sku2 to have special types, but some ohther more 
common type for other sku* fields.

: Regards,
:     Alex
: On Thu, Apr 5, 2018, 2:54 AM jatin roy, <jatin...@live.com> wrote:
: > Any update?
: > ________________________________
: > From: jatin roy
: > Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 12:37 PM
: > To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
: > Subject: Copy field on dynamic fields?
: >
: > Hi,
: >
: > Can we create copy field on dynamic fields? If yes then how it decide
: > which field should be copied to which one?
: >
: > For example: if I have dynamic field: category_* and while indexing 4
: > fields are formed such as:
: > category_1
: > category_2
: > category_3
: > category_4
: > and now I have to copy the contents of already existing dynamic field
: > "category_*" to "new_category_*".
: >
: > So my question is how the algorithm decides that category_1 data has to be
: > indexed in new_category_1 ?
: >
: > Regards
: > Jatin Roy
: > Software developer
: >
: >


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