
We are attempting to use CDCR with solr 7.2.1 and are experiencing odd
behavior with transaction logs. My understanding is that by default, solr
will keep a maximum of 10 tlog files or 100 records in the tlogs. I assume
that with CDCR, the records will not be removed from the tlogs until it has
been confirmed that they have been replicated to the other cluster.
However, even when replication has finished and the CDCR queue sizes are 0,
we are still seeing large numbers (50+) and large sizes (over a GB) of
tlogs sitting on the nodes.

We are hard committing once per minute.

Doing a lot of reading on the mailing list, I see that a lot of people were
pointing to buffering being enabled as the cause for some of these
transaction log issues. However, we have disabled buffering on both the
source and target clusters, and are still seeing the issues.

Also, while some of our indexes replicate very rapidly (millions of
documents in minutes), other smaller indexes are crawling. If we restart
CDCR on the nodes then it finishes almost instantly.

Any thoughts on these behaviors?



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