Hi Solr experts:

How can I make sure Solr doesn't drop middle initial when I do a name
I did a search with double quotes for "Ellington, A.", but Solr parser
dropped the middle initial, so I got both back:
I even tried keeping A. in the protwords.txt file, but didn't work. 
Any work around or suggestions?  Thanks!!!

        "audit_author.name":"Azzi, A., Clark, S.A., Ellington, R.W.,
Chapman, M.S."},
        "audit_author.name":"Ye, X., Gorin, A., Ellington, A.D., Patel,
"debugQuery mode indicates that Solr dropped the ""A."" when parsing the
    ""rawquerystring"":""\""Ellington, A.\"""",
    ""querystring"":""\""Ellington, A.\"""",
   ""QParser"":""ExtendedDismaxQParser"", "

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