That's excellent.  Thanks for the reply.


On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 6:39 AM, Chris Hostetter
> : I haven't heard of or found a way to find the number of times a term
> : is found on a page.
> : Lucene uses it in scoring, I believe, (solr scoring:  
> Assuming by "page" you mean "document" then the "term frequency" (tf) is
> factored into the score, but at a low enough level that it's not carried
> along iwth the score during a normal search.
> : Basically, for a given page, I would like
> : a list of terms on the page and number of times the terms appear on the 
> page?
> work is currently being done however to make it possible for people to
> fetch some of the raw tf/idf info directly...
> -Hoss

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