The min_rf parameter does not fail indexing. It only tells you how many
replicas received the live update. So if the value is less than what you
wanted then it is up to you to retry the update later.

On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 3:33 PM, Greenhorn Techie <>

> Hi,
> Good Morning!!
> In the case of a SolrCloud setup with sharing and replication in place,
> when a document is sent for indexing, what happens when only the shard
> leader has indexed the document, but the replicas failed, for whatever
> reason. Will the document be resent by the leader to the replica shards to
> index the document after sometime or how is scenario addressed?
> Also, given the above context, when I set the value of min_rf parameter to
> say 2, does that mean the calling application will be informed that the
> indexing failed?

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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