Thank you Shawn for looking into this to such a depth.
Let me try getting hold of someway to grab this information and use it and
I may reach back to you or list for further thoughts.

Thanks again,

On Tue, May 8, 2018, 3:11 PM Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 5/7/2018 3:50 PM, Atita Arora wrote:
> > I noticed the same and hence overruled the idea to use it.
> > Further , while exploring the V2 api (as we're currently in Solr 6.6 and
> > will soon be on Solr 7.X) ,I came across the shards API which has
> > "property.index.version": "1525453818563"
> >
> > Which is listed for each of the shards. I wonder if I should be
> leveraging
> > this as this seem to be the index version & I dont think this number
> should
> > vary on restart.
> The index version is a number that is milliseconds since the epoch --
> 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.  This is how Java represents timestamps
> internally.  All Lucene indexes have this information.
> The index version value appears to update every time the index changes,
> probably when a new searcher is opened.
> For SolrCloud collections, this information is actually already
> available, although getting to it may not be obvious.  ZooKeeeper itself
> keeps track of when all znodes are created, so the /collections/xxxxx
> znode creation time is effectively what you're after.  This can be seen
> in Cloud->Tree in the admin UI, which means that there is a way to
> obtain the information with an HTTP API.
> When cores are created or manipulated by API calls, the
> file will have a comment with a timestamp of the last time Solr
> wrote/changed the file.  CoreAdmin operations like CREATE, SWAP, RENAME,
> and others will update or create the timestamp in that comment, but if
> the properties file doesn't ever get changed by Solr, then the comment
> would reflect the creation time.  That makes it not entirely reliable.
> Also, I do not know of a way to access that information with any Solr
> API -- access to the filesystem would probably be required.
> The file could be a place to store a true creation time,
> using a new property that Solr doesn't need for any other purpose.  Solr
> could look for a creation time in that file when the core is started and
> update it to include the current time as the creation time if it is not
> present, and certain CoreAdmin operations could also write that
> property.  Retrieving the value would needed to be added to the
> CoreAdmin API.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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