On Fri, 11 May 2018, 01:15 Shawn Heisey, <apa...@elyograg.org> wrote:

> On 5/10/2018 11:49 AM, Deepak Goel wrote:
> > Sorry but I am unclear about - "What if there is no default value and the
> > field does not contain anything"? What does Solr pass on to Lucene? Or is
> > the field itself omitted from the document?
> If there is no default value and the field doesn't exist in what's
> indexed, then nothing is sent to Lucene for that field. The Lucene index
> will have nothing in it for that field.  Pro tip: The empty string is
> not the same thing as no value.
> > What if I want to query for documents where the field is not used? Is
> that
> > possible?
> This is the best performing approach for finding documents where a field
> doesn't exist:
> q=*:* -field:[* TO *]

Are there any benchmarks for this approach? If not, I can give it a spin.
Also wondering if there are any alternative approach (i guess lucene stores
data in a inverted field format)

> Summary: all documents, minus those where the field value is in an
> all-inclusive range.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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