On 23.09.2008 00:30 Chris Hostetter wrote:

> : Here is what I was able to get working with your help.
> : 
> : (productId:(102685804)) AND liveDate:[* TO NOW] AND ((endDate:[NOW TO *]) OR
> : ((*:* -endDate:[* TO *])))
> : 
> : the *:* is what I was missing.
> Please, PLEASE ... do yourself a favor and stop using "AND" and "OR" ...  
> food will taste better, flowers will smell fresher, and the world will be 
> a happy shinny place...
> +productId:102685804 +liveDate:[* TO NOW] +(endDate:[NOW TO *] (*:* 
> -endDate:[* TO *]))

I would also like to follow your advice but don't know how to do it with
defaultOperator="AND". What I am missing is the equivalent to OR:
AND: +
NOT: -
OR: ???
I didn't find anything on the Solr or Lucene query syntax pages. If
there is such an equivalent then I guess the query would become:
productId:102685804 liveDate:[* TO NOW] (endDate:[NOW TO *] <OR>(*:*
-endDate:[* TO *]))

I switched to the AND-default because that is the default in my web
frontend so I don't have to change logic. What should I do in this
situation? Go back to the OR-default?

It is not so much this example I am after but I have a syntax translater
in my application that must be able to handle similar expressions and I
want to keep it simple and still have tasty food ;-)


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