This ticket originally addressed the issue:

It's a confusing ticket though and I'm not seeing test cases that prove out
that this is still working. I write a quick test case to see how escaping
of quotes is being handled.

This is a followup issue which has not yet been resolved:

Joel Bernstein

On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 11:23 AM, Christian Spitzlay <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I’m experimenting with streaming expressions and I wonder how to escape a
> double quote in a value.
> I am on 7.3.0 and trying with the text area on
> http://localhost:8983/solr/#/collname/stream
> The following expression works for me and returns results:
> search(kmm, q="sds_endpoint_name:F2", fl="sds_endpoint_name",
> sort="sds_endpoint_name ASC", qt="/export“)
> When I try to add a double quote to the value quoted with a backslash like
> this:
> search(kmm, q="sds_endpoint_name:F\"2", fl="sds_endpoint_name",
> sort="sds_endpoint_name ASC", qt="/export")
> I get an exception with message:
>  Cannot parse
> 'sds_endpoint_name:F\"2': Lexical error at line 1, column 22.
> Encountered:  after : \"\\\"2\“",
> I tried several more levels of escaping with backslashes but none worked
> so far
> (only the error message was different as sometimes the expression was
> broken in different ways)
> On http://localhost:8983/solr/#/collname/query, entering
> sds_endpoint_name:F\“2
> as the q parameter does not throw a syntax error and an empty result is
> returned
> (which is to be expected as there is no document with a quote in the name
> at the moment).
> Is there a correct way to escape the double quote in a streaming
> expression?
> Best regards
> Christian

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