Make sure the fields you're trying to highlight are stored in your schema
(e.g. <field name="synopsis" type="string" stored="true" />)

David Snelling-2 wrote:
> Ok, I'm very frustrated. I've tried every configuraiton I can and
> parameters
> and I cannot get fragments to show up in the highlighting in solr. (no
> fragments at the bottom or highlights <em></em> in the text. I must be
> missing something but I'm just not sure what it is.
> /select/?qt=standard&q=crayon&hl=true&hl.fl=synopsis,shortdescription&hl.fragmenter=gap&hl.snippets=3&debugQuery=true
> And I get highlight segment, but no fragments or phrase highlighting.
> My goal - if I'm doing this completely wrong - is to get google like
> snippets of text around the query term (or at mimimum to highlight the
> query
> term itself).
> Results:
> <lst name="params">
> <str name="fl">synopsis</str>
> <str name="debugQuery">true</str>
> <str name="hl.snippets">3</str>
> <str name="hl.fragmenter">gap</str>
> <str name="q">crayon</str>
> <str name="hl.fl">synopsis</str>
> <str name="qt">standard</str>
> <str name="hl">true</str>
> <str name="version">2.1</str>
> </lst>
> </responseHeader>
> −
> <result name="response" numFound="237" start="0">
> −
> ...........
> .........
> ..........
> </result>
> <lst name="highlighting">
> <lst name="206738"/>
> <lst name="184583"/>
> <lst name="203809"/>
> <lst name="201588"/>
> <lst name="207554"/>
> <lst name="157569"/>
> <lst name="199682"/>
> <lst name="196359"/>
> <lst name="202940"/>
> <lst name="190672"/>
> </lst>
> -- 
> "hic sunt dracones"

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