On 6/5/18 1:12 PM, TK Solr wrote:
> My client's Solr 6.6 running on a Windows server is mysteriously
> crashing without any JVM crash log. No unusual activities recorded in
> solr.log. GC log does not indicate the OOM situation. It's a simple
> single-core, single node deployment (no solrCloud). It has very light
> load. No indexing activities were running near the crash time.
> After exhausting all possibilities (suggestions are welcome), I'd like
> to recommend to install some monitoring software but I couldn't find one
> that works on Windows for a Java based software. (Some I found can
> monitor only EXEs. Since all java software shares the same EXE,
> java.EXE, those won't work.) Can anyone recommend some? They don't need
> to be free but can't be very expensive since it's a very lightly used
> Solr system. Perhaps less than $500?

How about Apache procrun/commons-daemon?

I don't know how much of a pain it would be to set it up to run Solr,
but it runs Apache Tomcat quite well and has its own logs for things
like "process died, restarted" which might give you some insight.


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