On 6/4/2018 5:36 AM, Greenhorn Techie wrote:
1. In the SolrCloud, as a single host can have information about multiple
shards (either leader or replica), how does the backup API handle the
underlying data copy? I presume it will simply copy the data across ALL the
shards (both leader and replicas) for the specified collection.

The Collections API backup would indeed work this way.

I see this line of code in the patch for SOLR-5750:

log.debug("Sent backup requests to all shard leaders for snapshotName={}", backupName);

So it sounds like the leader replica will write the backup for each shard.

2. If I am invoking the backup command periodically to backup the data and
then invoke restore command later (possibly due to cluster shutdown and
create a fresh SolrCloud cluster), I presume I don't need to tinker with
the hash values as long as the default settings have been used in both
backup and restore situations?

The Collections API restore capability creates a new collection from the backup.  The backup includes information gathered from ZK.  The restored collection should have all the same hash ranges found in the original collection.


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