On 6/5/2018 9:43 PM, Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo wrote:
I understand that we can do the health checking of the Solr by using the
solr.cmd command under ./bin/solr, which is run from command prompt.

Would like to check, is this feature available via URL from browser?

I am using Solr 7.3.1.

The healthcheck action in SolrCLI, which looks like it only works with SolrCloud, appears to take these actions:

1) Finds the first shard leader for the named collection, does an http HEAD request to make sure it's responding. 2) Does a *:* query on the named collection to make sure there is a good response. 3) Then it sends this URL to a host with a leader replica and gathers some info about the system.


Doing the *:* query on the collection would give you the important part of the healthcheck.  If the response has a 200 code, chances are excellent that it's working.


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