Thanks Shawn. Will check with Hortonworks!

On 7 June 2018 at 14:19:43, Shawn Heisey ( wrote:

On 6/7/2018 6:35 AM, Greenhorn Techie wrote:
> A quick question on configuring Solr with Hortonworks HDP. I have
> HDP and then installed HDP Search using the steps described under the


> - Within the various Solr config settings on Ambari, I am a bit confused
> on the role of "solr_config_conf_dir" parameter. At the moment, it only
> contains file. As HDPSearch is mainly meant to be used
> with SolrCloud, wondering what is the significance of this directory as
> configurations are always maintained on ZooKeeper.

The text strings "solr_config_conf_dir" and "solr_config_data_dir" do
not appear anywhere in the Lucene/Solr source code, even if I use a
case-insensitive grep. Which must mean that it is specific to the
third-party software you are using.  You'll need to ask your question to
the people who make that third-party software.

The log4j config is not in zookeeper.  That will be found on each
server.  That file configures the logging framework at the JVM level, it
is not specifically for Solr.


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