On 6/11/2018 6:41 AM, Anil wrote:
I was trying solrcloud cluster setup using solr 7.3.1 and it is up. Admin
console looks good and queries in console are working fine. But solrj
connection failing with following exception

org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Cannot connect to cluster at : cluster not found/not ready
~[solr-solrj-6.6.3.jar:6.6.3 d1e9bbd333ea55cfa0c75d324424606e857a775b -
sarowe - 2018-03-02 15:09:35]

If you're running Solr 7.3.1, then you should be using SolrJ 7.3.x, not 6.6.3.  SolrCloud is evolving so rapidly that differences in version between these two components, especially when SolrJ is older, are not likely to work.  This doesn't appear to be the cause of the specific error you are seeing, but assuming you can get past this error, it might lead to other problems.

solr is not updating the cluster status in clusterstate.json and it is
empty and created state.json under each collection.


Can you please point out the issue here ? Thanks.

Recent versions of SolrCloud may not put any data in clusterstate.json, but this file is still used for cluster coordination, through ZK watches on the clusterstate.json znode. I do not know the details of how this works.

Looking into the code, it appears that this error is saying that /clusterstate.json does not exist in zookeeper.  This znode must exist.  Since Solr creates that znode when it starts, I think there are two possible reasons for this error.  1) The Solr client is being started with a different zkHost value than the servers, so it is not finding the information written by the servers.  2) You are intentionally deleting the /clusterstate.json znode from zookeeper.


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