In a mixed-hardware situation you can certainly place replicas as you
choose. Create a minimal collection or use the special nodeset EMPTY
and then place your replicas one-by-one.

You can also consider "replica placement rules", see:
I _think_ this would be a variant of "rack aware". In this case you'd
provide a "snitch" that says something about the hardware
characteristics and the rules you'd define would be sensitive to that.

WARNING: haven't done this myself so don't have any examples to point to....


On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 8:34 AM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:
> On 6/12/2018 9:12 AM, Michael Braun wrote:
>> The way to handle this right now looks to be running additional Solr
>> instances on nodes with increased resources to balance the load (so if the
>> machines are 1x, 1.5x, and 2x, run 2 instances, 3 instances, and 4
>> instances, respectively). Has anyone looked into other ways of handling
>> this that don't require the additional Solr instance deployments?
> Usually, no.  In most cases, you only want to run one Solr instance per
> server.  One Solr instance can handle many individual shard replicas.
> If there are more individual indexes on a Solr instance, then it is
> likely to be able to take advantage of additional system resources
> without running another Solr instance.
> The only time you should run multiple Solr instances is when the heap
> requirements for running the required indexes with one instance would be
> way too big.  Splitting the indexes between two instances with smaller
> heaps might end up with much better garbage collection efficiency.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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