> Am 15.06.2018 um 01:23 schrieb Joel Bernstein <joels...@gmail.com>:
> We have to check the behavior of the innerJoin. I suspect that its closing
> the second stream when the first stream his finished. This would cause a
> broken pipe with the second stream. The export handler has specific code
> that eats the broken pipe exception so it doesn't end up in the logs. The
> select hander does not have this code.

Ah, I see.  The stack trace in my original mail has the "broken pipe" message:

Caused by: java.io.IOException: Broken pipe
        at java.base/sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.writev0(Native Method)

> In general you never want to use the select handler and set the rows to
> such a big number. If you have that many rows you'll want to use the export
> and handler which is designed to export the entire result set.

We started out with the export handler but we are updating documents using 
streaming expressions and we had fields that had types 
that do not support docValues, according to the documentation at

We switched to the select handler in some places and it worked. 
We set the rows parameter to a large value:
"If you want to tell Solr to return all possible results from the query without 
upper bound, specify rows to be 10000000 or some other ridiculously 
large value that is higher than the possible number of rows that are expected."

Christian Spitzlay

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