I am trying to use streaming expressions with SOLR 7.3.1.
I have successfully used innerJoin, leftOuterJoin and several other
functions but failed to achieve expected results with the fetch() function.

Example below is silmplfied, in reality the base search() function uses
fuzzy matching and scoring. And works perfectly.
But I need to enrich the search results with additional column from the
same collection.
search() call does a query on nested documents, and returns parentId (yes,
i know there is _root_, tried it as well) + some calculated custom values,
requiring some aggregation calls, like rollup(). This part works perfectly.
But then I want to enrich the resultset with attributes from the top level
document, where "parentId=id".
And all my attempts to fetch additional data have failed, the fetch() call
below always gives the same results as the search() call inside.

      search(users, q="*:*", fq="type:name", fl="parentId", sort="parentId

As I understand fetch() should retrieve only records narrowed by the
"parentId" results.
If I call leftOuterJoin(), then I loose the benefit of such nice narrowing
Any clue what i am doing wrong with fetch()?

Best regards,

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