On 6/27/2018 4:13 AM, Srinivas Muppu (US) wrote:
Below are the high level Installation steps used for ZK and Solr setup in
Windows* D:\ drive*. Could you please go through once and suggest possible
solution/steps needs to be done for the setup moving to the E:\ Drive(New
drive) without any impacting to the existing application.

We have two cluster servers (IP addresses xx.xxx.xxx.100 and xx.xxx.xxx.101)

*1. Zookeeper installation*
xx.xxx.xxx.100  D:/Stage4/zookeeper/instance1
xx.xxx.xxx.101 D:/Stage4/zookeeper/instance2 and

Running ZK on two servers, even if you have three instances, does not give you redundancy.  If you lost the .101 server, your ZK would lose quorum, and Solr would become read-only.  You must have your three ZK instances on three separate servers in order to have redundancy.


If you need assistance moving ZK, consult that project for support resources.  From what you have indicated, it doesn't look too challenging, though.

*7. Solr installation*
There are 2 solr nodes below are the Server IP and its Folder structure
xx.xxx.xxx.100 D:/Stage4/solr/
xx.xxx.xxx.101 D:/Stage4/solr/

*8. Edit the file solr.cmd present in /bin folder*
Change the value of SOLR_JAVA_MEM from -Xms512m -Xmx512m to –Xms6g –Xmx6g
*9. Editing in solr_start.cmd file as per environment specific:*
D:\Stage4\Solr\instance2\bin\solr start -f -c -p xxxx -z

You don't need the -c option.  The presence of the -z option is enough to start in cloud mode.  The -c option is only needed if you want to start the embedded ZK server, though it will only start if the -z option is NOT present.

Instead of editing solr.cmd to change the heap size, you can add a line to solr.in.cmd:

set SOLR_HEAP="6g"

Because you are not setting the solr home at all, all you're going to need to do for this move (aside from copying or moving the files) is to stop the existing services, remove the existing services, edit your starting batch file to change the path, and recreate the services.  Instead of removing and recreating the services, you could probably edit the registry to modify the services in-place.


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