On 6/29/2018 8:47 AM, Arturas Mazeika wrote:
Out of curiosity: some cores give infos for both shards (through
replication query) and some only for one (if you still be able to see the
prev post). I wonder why..

Adding to what Erick said:

If SolrCloud has initiated a replication on that core at some point since that Solr instance started, then you might see both the master and slave side of that replication reported by the replication handler.  If a replication has never been initiated, then you will only see info about the local core.

The replication handler is used by SolrCloud for two things:

1) Index recovery when a replica gets too far out of sync.
2) Replicating data to TLOG and PULL replica types (new in 7.x).


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