Hi Jerome,

See the ref guide[1] for a writeup of how to enable uploading files larger than 
1MB into ZooKeeper.

Local storage should also work - have you tried placing OpenNLP model files in 
${solr.solr.home}/lib/ ? - make sure you do the same on each node.



> On Jul 9, 2018, at 12:50 AM, Jerome Yang <jey...@pivotal.io> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> In Solrcloud mode, where to put the OpenNLP models?
> Upload to zookeeper?
> As I test on solr 7.3.1, seems absolute path on local host is not working.
> And can not upload into zookeeper if the model size exceed 1M.
> Regards,
> Jerome
> On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 9:54 AM Steve Rowe <sar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Alexey,
>> First, thanks for moving the conversation to the mailing list.  Discussion
>> of usage problems should take place here rather than in JIRA.
>> I locally set up Solr 7.3 similarly to you and was able to get things to
>> work.
>> Problems with your setup:
>> 1. Your update chain is missing the Log and Run update processors at the
>> end (I see these are missing from the example in the javadocs for the
>> OpenNLP NER update processor; I’ll fix that):
>>     <processor class="solr.LogUpdateProcessorFactory" />
>>     <processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" />
>>   The Log update processor isn’t strictly necessary, but, from <
>> https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/7_3/update-request-processors.html#custom-update-request-processor-chain
>>> :
>>       Do not forget to add RunUpdateProcessorFactory at the end of any
>>       chains you define in solrconfig.xml. Otherwise update requests
>>       processed by that chain will not actually affect the indexed data.
>> 2. Your example document is missing an “id” field.
>> 3. For whatever reason, the pre-trained model "en-ner-person.bin" doesn’t
>> extract anything from text “This is Steve Jobs 2”.  It will extract “Steve
>> Jobs” from text “This is Steve Jobs in white” e.g. though.
>> 4. (Not a problem necessarily) You may want to use a multi-valued “string”
>> field for the “dest” field in your update chain, e.g. “people_str” (“*_str”
>> in the default configset is so configured).
>> --
>> Steve
>> www.lucidworks.com
>>> On Apr 17, 2018, at 8:23 AM, Alexey Ponomarenko <alex1989s...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi once more I am trying to implement named entities extraction using
>> this
>>> manual
>> https://lucene.apache.org/solr/7_3_0//solr-analysis-extras/org/apache/solr/update/processor/OpenNLPExtractNamedEntitiesUpdateProcessorFactory.html
>>> I am modified solrconfig.xml like this:
>>> <updateRequestProcessorChain name="multiple-extract">
>>>  <processor
>> class="solr.OpenNLPExtractNamedEntitiesUpdateProcessorFactory">
>>>    <str name="modelFile">opennlp/en-ner-person.bin</str>
>>>    <str name="analyzerFieldType">text_opennlp</str>
>>>    <str name="source">description_en</str>
>>>    <str name="dest">content</str>
>>>  </processor>
>>> </updateRequestProcessorChain>
>>> But when I was trying to add data using:
>>> *request:*
>>> POST
>> http://localhost:8983/solr/numberplate/update?version=2.2&wt=xml&update.chain=multiple-extract
>>> <add><doc><field name="description_en">This is Steve Jobs 2
>>> </field><field name="content_pos">This is text 2</field><field
>>> name="content">This is text for content 2</field></doc></add>
>>> *response*
>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>> <response>
>>>   <lst name="responseHeader">
>>>       <int name="status">0</int>
>>>       <int name="QTime">3</int>
>>>   </lst>
>>> </response>
>>> But I don't see any data inserted to *content* field and in any other
>> field.
>>> *If you need some additional data I can provide it.*
>>> Can you help me? What have I done wrong?
> -- 
> Pivotal Greenplum | Pivotal Software, Inc. <https://pivotal.io/>

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